Monday, December 10, 2012

Getting Over The B.S. by Cherese Jackson

Your B.S. (Belief System) either empowers or limits you.

There isn’t a more powerful directing force in human behavior than a belief. Your beliefs have the power to create and to destroy. Your B.S. (Belief System) either empowers or limits you. Let me clarify here, I’m not talking about your degree or your bull “crap” instead I’m refering to your Belief System (which in a lot of cases is just “bull” or “full of it”).

Have you heard about the placebo effect? People who are told a drug will have a certain effect will many times experience that effect even when given a pill without those properties. Why? A belief delivers a direct command to your nervous system.

It is also our belief that determines how much of our potential we will be able to tap. So you better examine some of your beliefs minutely. For example, do you believe that you can excel in whatever you do? Do you believe you are bad in math? Do you believe that other people don’t like you? Do you believe life is full of problems?

B.S. is an idea that behaves in society like a virus does in a body. It’s all around us. Religious ideals or racial thoughts, for example, can behave like B.S., they begin with one person, then retold time and again, and end up traveling around the world – as they’re told and retold – and in so doing, they spread like viruses. They infect (the belief is told to the ‘host’), they reproduce (are retold by the ‘host’ where they ‘infect’ new ‘hosts,’ etc.), they mutate (are told in variations that alter in the retelling), and they can even have avenues such as books and magazines.

Much like viruses, B.S. can be benign like many physical viruses, or they can be pathological, producing illness, like many physical viruses. Like physical viruses, they can be mildly infectious, or they can be highly virulent. They can also control behavior, just as physical viruses can.

We weren’t born with a belief system in place; We created them! Just as we once created them, we can also RE-create them. Sadly, many of us are severely limiting our life experience due to the belief systems that were developed and ingrained in us since you childhood. Wouldn’t it be wonderful to break through those barriers and move beyond your self-constructed limitations into a world of unlimited possibilities? Change your beliefs and a new pattern is automatically created.

So, how do you go about making that happen? Well, it all begins with your thoughts. Your thoughts created your belief systems. Everything you were ever told repeatedly and every reinforced idea about the world that was thrust upon you has served as a foundation for your belief system. As an adult, you have the ability to choose what thoughts and ideas you want to focus on. If you focus on a fear-based thought system, you are going to manifest a reality that is reflective of that thought system. On the other hand, if you choose to focus on your strengths, your abilities, and the many opportunities that are available to you every day, you will manifest the experiences that are in alignment with that type of thinking.

In addition to your thoughts, to pay close attention to what comes out of your mouth. What you say is a critical indicator of your belief system. Take note of the words that are coming out of your mouth and if you find yourself saying things that begin with “I can’t” immediately replace them with statements that begin with “I am or I will.” The key is noticing how often you are sabotaging your own life experience with the words you consistently speak or the thoughts you consistently think. Once you are aware of what you’re doing, you have the power to create change in your life!

Remember, just as negative thoughts are the building blocks for negative experiences, positive thoughts are the building blocks for positive experiences. It’s that simple! Worrying about something doesn’t change it. In fact, it only serves to bring more for you to worry about because that is where you are placing your attention. Wherever you choose to place your focus today will determine the people, circumstances and opportunities that are drawn to or repelled from you.

Challenge yourself to be aware of the ways you project our opinions onto others and how you distort what they say to protect your beliefs. Begin today to consciously, deliberately, and purposefully establish the belief systems that will serve to empower you and draw the success you deserve. This isn’t something out of your control. No matter how you grew up or what your past was like, this is something you can begin to develop right now with determination and deliberate focus. No one else can do it for you; YOU determine the quality of your life experience. So, make it worth the journey!

See ya at the top!

Cherese L. Jackson

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