Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Next Level Living: How Rebooting Can Set Your Life Back In Order

I’m a firm believer that inspiration is happening all around us; we just don’t take time to notice it. Such is the case I had the other day while coaching someone in my office. We were engaged in a discussion about her feeling frustrated for having to rebuild her life in her 40’s due to tragedy. She was lamenting about replacing her belongings and taking a position she was over qualified for just to pay her bills. In the midst of her rant I leaned over my PC and hit the power switch. Without missing a beat I continued talking while the computer began its process of rebooting. A few moments later I asked her if she noticed what I just did, she casually answered that I seemed to be rebooting my computer. She was right, but had no idea the lessons we can learn from a simple computer command.
Don’t get me wrong, I am not a techy at all. I can get my PC on, send emails and write blogs, but that’s about it. But due to various issues and being on hold with the Geek Squad, I’ve learned a thing or two. At best I know that when all else fails, a manual reboot can do wonders for your system. I had a strike of inspiration while listening to my client. She was in the middle of a reboot and was upset about the process. I noticed several similarities between rebooting a computer and our lives. I think you will be able to see the value for both.
  • Rebooting helps disrupt any virus attempting to attack: Understand that we all go through periods of down time. We get overwhelmed and need some time to gather ourselves and digest what’s going on. This is very similar to rebooting your computer. If something dangerous is detected, a manual reboot can literally prevent a total corruption. By stopping it from running, your computer can suffer minimum damage. That’s brilliant. The next time you have a horrible day, go home and reboot yourself. Take a long walk, read, or exercise. Doing this can reboot your system internally and prevent you from reacting in a way that can cause further damage.
  • Rebooting can help serve as a system flush: The truth is we have a lot of junk in us. We carry around stress, bad experiences and even traumas from place to place without noticing the weight it causes. In the computer world you have something called the RAM or (Random Access Memory). Your RAM handles different short-term tasks and data, like running processes and holding program values. Rebooting your computer flushes out all this information, allowing your device to start anew and helping it run faster and more efficiently.  As you go to sleep nightly, you should be able to leave the day’s issues in today and start fresh in the morning. You create a better opportunity for success when you can reboot nightly.
  • Rebooting helps install upgrades: We all have things on our ‘back burners’ that need our attention. Often they are projects and activities that will enhance our development and help us move forward. The problem is we are busy with so many other things that really don’t matter. By rebooting our lives, we bring into perspective what is important. These upgrades are needed to help us become all that we dream. Rebooting is simply finding time to get better.
If you’re reading this, you’re definitely online. If you’re online then chances are you have suffered from computer issues. How did you resolve them? For some, it was simply reaching out to a tech savvy friend, for others you sat on hold for an eternity to speak to a professional. Most of us can attest it ended with the suggestion to cut our computer off and reboot. It’s funny how a simple action can do so much. Let’s take heed and use this process to help set our lives back in order.

See ya at the top!
Early Jackson

© 2013, Early L. Jackson. All rights reserved.

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