When you strip away the computer generated images, million dollar budgets and Hollywood star power, an Avenger is simply an individual who takes up the cause of another who’s unable to protect themselves. In different circles that person may be referred to as an advocate. At the core of humanity we make a choice to operate by the infamous Golden Rule, which is “Treat others the way you want to be treated.” By the looks of American culture, we have strayed far away from this simple principle. Society has always been balanced by persons stepping up to the plate and champion causes bigger than themselves. These everyday avengers have come in the form of presidents willing to abolish slavery, pilots flying beyond enemy lines and even ministers willing to lock arms and to march on behalf of others for equal rights. We have been privileged to experience them come from diverse backgrounds, ethnicities and cultures all with the same selfless spirit. They may not have worn a cape, but we saw them as ‘super’ still the same.
Here are a few places you can look and see our modern-day Avengers:
In the area of women’s rights
It is not uncommon to see the face of a woman plastered on the cover of business magazines as top CEO’s and other company leaders. But in the broader scope of our country, there are still great strides needed to bring equality across genders. In the United States, woman still earn dramatically less than their male counterparts in corporate America. It was first lady Michelle Obama, who championed equal pay for equal work on the campaign trail. It is organizations like the National Organization for Women who are on the front line of this issue fighting to make sure the progress achieved in the last sixty years is not in vain.
Better education in underserved communities
Civil rights leader and advocate Malcolm X once said, “Education is our passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to the people who prepare for it today.” This concept has been the foundation for public education in America. The right to receive adequate training to be a productive and prosperous American is the right of every person. So when I look at certain communities and see the gross neglect and weak curriculums it is amazing. These areas lack a voice to speak on their behalf. It is encouraging to see leadership like the Gary Comer College Prep School which shines as a beacon in the Chicago area. Amidst killing and senseless loss, this school boasts an excellent attrition rate for high school seniors accepted into college.
Better healthcare for all people
Our country is in the middle of a tug of war. Unfortunately, what’s at stake is far greater than bragging rights. The health and welfare of our seniors and children hang in the balance of those on Capitol Hill. Whether Obamacare is right or wrong is not as important as the need for dialogue around this issue. On one hand we have our elderly who are struggling with the decision to purchase food or their prescriptions and on the other we have parents who can’t receive proper care at neighborhood clinics. Parents should not have to wonder if their doctor can afford to keep his doors open when he’s the only office in the community. There is an initiative to bring mobile clinics to the heart of areas needing it the most. Armed with immunizations, screening and dental supplies, they are giving away services free that otherwise would not even happen.
The moral of this story
I can’t promise you a cape or a billboard. But I can declare that we all have a super ability to step in and relieve the sufferings of others. All it takes to be a real life Avenger is the choice to fight for the needs of the less fortunate. The people without a voice or an advocate. There you will find greatness, and there you will be remembered as an Avenger.
See you at the TOP!
© 2012, Cherese L. Jackson. All rights reserved.
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