Listen as Coach Early Jackson shares principles to help you have better, more fulfilling relationships. Click the link below:
7 Dumb Things We Do To Sabotage Our Relationships
Cherese Jackson is the Chief Operations Officer and a Life Coach of New Direction Coaching Associates. NDCA is committed to actively raising the quality of life for every interested individual. It is our desire that all people, regardless of race, creed or circumstance achieve their full potential. Our task is to help individuals realize that this is possible. Our mission is to provide practical and realistic assistance
Wednesday, May 29, 2013
Monday, May 27, 2013
How To Shake Those Mid-Day Blues
We all have been there! It is around 2:45pm and the day has begun to wear on you; your eyelids are heavier than ever and you feel as if a simple nap would cure all of life’s issues. But of course that is never an option considering your manager is expecting work from you by the end of the day. I feel your pain. I am known for my 3:00pm battles with the sleepy’s. I want to share a few tips that can help us all avoid falling asleep at the wheel during those long hauls Monday through Friday:
(1) To have a better afternoon, start the night before: What most of us fail to understand is the importance of a decent night’s rest. Science has proven the brain/body combination is in desperate need of recharging daily to operate at a peak level. If you forsake that, you are running an eight cylinder on two or three cylinders. Go to bed tonight!
(2) What you put in your body in the morning will visit you this afternoon: It is so tempting to grab a doughnut, cookie or other snack as we dash to work. In fact, society has made it harder to eat any healthy alternatives. But that is no excuse especially considering all the diseases that are directly linked to our eating habits. Try something ‘alive’ in the am; fruit coupled with your usual eggs and going light on the meat products. These will make digestion easier by the middle of the day.
(3) Get up and get moving: This is one of my favorites. There is nothing like a brisk walk around the block right when you feel the sleepiest. The blood circulation will get moving and your heart will start pumping fresh oxygen to the brain. The next thing you know you’re bright eyed and ready to finish the end of your day strong.
(4) Get your laugh on: I read an article a few weeks ago in a magazine detailing how important laughter is to our daily survival. You’d be surprised to hear how many people go days and even weeks without a single chuckle. Laugh involves several key muscles and releases powerful endorphins throughout your system that feed cells and make you feel better. Laughter is really great medicine for the mid day blues.
I’m sure you may have a few more tips of your own that get you through the day. Add these to your arsenal and just watch your productivity soar. We can beat those blues with a little preparation so have fun with it.
See ya at the top!
© 2012 – 2013, Cherese L. Jackson. All rights reserved.
Friday, May 24, 2013
5 Mistakes Companies Make With Interns
It’s that time of year again. The crisp spring air gives way to longer, warmer nights. The kids are preparing for summer break and college students are returning home looking for opportunities. If you are a business owner, no doubt your phone has already begun to ring with eager workers on the other end of the phone. Finding, working with and mentoring interns can be a great experience. It can also be time consuming and lacking in reward. Either way you look at it, at some point you will work with an intern or two.
I believe mistakes only happen when no lessons are acquired. In our business as well during my time in corporate America I have trained plenty of interns. I have seen some go on to be hired as full time employees. Other I have seen who barely lasted their tenure of the summer break. In all, I have learned a few best practices on dealing with interns. Here are five mistakes to avoid:
1. Become too familiar and begin to expect friendships: When you acquire the services of an intern, it should never be for selfish reasons. Your job is to create a professional environment. Too often we seem to want to another family member.
2. There is not a clear agenda or job description: Why are they there? You should be able to answer this long before you bring them on. Just because most interns are young and do not have a lot of responsibilities is no reason to waste their time.
3. Give access to sensitive information: An intern is not a permanent employee. There should be checks and balances in place to protect any sensitive information about your business or clients. Can you imagine the embarrassment you could suffer if a client’s privacy was breached by an intern?
4. Require a full time employee work load: Keep in mind the concept of an intern. There should be a mutual benefit in place. You benefit from the added assistance, but they should benefit from the chance to learn from your expertise. You can’t expect to work them like a dog for free and then allow them to walk away short changed.
5. Never find out their goals or expectations: Everyone wants something. Internships are no different. As you consider interns, ask real questions. Find out where they want to go and what they want out of life. See yourself as a bridge for them. This could be an incredible opportunity for growth.
In Latin, the word intern is ‘internus’ and simply means, between another. It gives the ideal that this person works ‘between’ others as they learn and perfect a particular skill. That’s exactly what should be happening with every intern we bring aboard. It’s not free labor or a person to make all the coffee runs for the office. These are individuals we have the chance to touch in a profound way.
© 2013, Cherese L. Jackson. All rights reserved.
Wednesday, May 22, 2013
Tuesday, May 21, 2013
Myths About The Man Of Steel!
The summer of 2013 is gearing up to be an action movie junkies’ dream come true. With releases set from Hollywood heavy hitters like DeNiro, Smith, Hanks and Cruise, I have already prepared to beat the heat of summer in the movie theaters. As usual, I look forward to a couple of films that were adapted from the comics. Last year was the Dark Knight’s run, this year it’s none other than the man from Krypton, Kal-El. Most recognize him from his earth name, Clark Kent.
I can’t tell you the times I wrapped a towel from my mother’s linen closet around my neck and ran off to simulate flying. Every boy has once dreamed of being faster than a speeding bullet and more powerful than a locomotive. But somewhere between adolescence and high school our once lofty dreams approach life from a safer perspective.
There are unspoken rules of conduct that men abide by. See, the worst insult you could give a man is that he’s somehow acting less than what a ‘real’ man should. So we go through great lengths to ensure our manhood is not questioned. In this we often lose sight of transparency or being authentic. Instead we are working overtime to keep up a facade. This behavior is passed down time and time again. But as men, we can never grow pass what we refuse to confront. Here are a few ‘myths’ we carry as men of steel:
- Men don’t have feelings, therefore they cannot be hurt: This is a flat out lie. As I often say, we have the same feelings as women with a much different expression. Any guy who says a woman has never broken his heart or let him down needs to get his head examined. As men, we are occupational while women tend to be relational. So we find our identity in what we do, not who we know.
- Men just don’t like to talk: The truth is, we don’t like to talk at the exact moment women do, but we do talk. We speak about things that affect us or inspire us. If you ever want to see a guy really get chatty, tap into what he’s passionate about. That’s what matters most to men.
- Men avoid commitment at all costs: What connects us to our manhood is how well our families are taken care of. I don’t believe I have been more ashamed or disappointed in myself than when my finances fell too short to take care of my family. I felt less than a man. Often if we have a doubt about our ability to provide, we tend to shy away from that commitment.
- Men never get depressed: Absolutely we do! The difference is, early in boyhood we were told, big boys don’t cry. We took that mantra to heart. In fact, we added on that big boys don’t share their emotions. We took it as a sign of weakness. But anything without a pressure valve to give release will likely explode.
I have always been fascinated with the story of Superman. Not just because of his incredible acts of heroics, but because the people closest to him never made the connection. Somehow he could come up missing, he could save their lives and spend time with them, and no one ever thought Clark was really Superman. I guess that’s appropriate. As men, we have lived the truth that it’s the other way around. Superman, was really Clark Kent all along.
© 2013, Early L. Jackson. All rights reserved.
Monday, May 20, 2013
The big deal with destiny - Norfolk Business |
Since destiny is a real process of corresponding actions, let’s learn as Coach Early Jackson shares principles from the highly successful what it really takes to embrace our future:
The big deal with destiny - Norfolk Business |
Saturday, May 18, 2013
Benefit from the power of your clique | Inside Business
Solid relationships are made from the inside out. It is our own mirrored reflections that determine how we choose a friend and how others learn to treat us. If this image is perceived as flawed, we radiate that throughout our lives. It's a vibe or air that others can pick up on when they come into our presence. Open link below to read full article.....
Benefit from the power of your clique | Inside Business
Sunday, May 12, 2013
The Power of Your Clique
The relationships in your life matter! Who you're with plays a vital part in where you are going. Often we pay more attention to which restaurant to eat than we do with who we share our lives with. Your 'Clique' will make you or break you! Click the link below to listen as Coach Early shares relative principles....
The Power of Your Clique
The Power of Your Clique
Thursday, May 9, 2013
Creating Authentic Relationships
Our ability to build and maintain healthy relationships is the single most important factor in how we get along in every area of life. All of life’s successes come from initiating relationships with the right people and then strengthening those relationships by being authentic.
It’s no surprise that people who tend to have few or no friends, are often also diagnosed with depression. Loneliness is detrimental to your mental, and eventually physical, well being. We do not exist in life without relationships. No one is an island to themselves. You are always relating to someone or something. We all need relationships! Tom Hanks in the movie “Cast Away” was so desperate for relationship that he formed one with a ball and even named it Wilson
Your relationships drive your life. You are the sum of your five closest friends. There’s a saying, “birds of a feather flock together”. In other words, if I want to know what you’re like or who you really are I can look at the people you call friends; your friends are a reflection of you.
You can know a lot of people, but if the dynamic of the relationships aren’t adequate, they don’t bring any distinct value in your life. A good relationship is reflected by a strong and rewarding connection. It is my belief that the people with the most meaningful relationships tend to also be the happiest.
This connection can be casual, romantic, sexual, emotional, intellectual, and so on, depending on the nature of the relationship. But it must be there. When you feel that connection interacting with a person, you know it’s a relationship worth having.
The freedom to be authentic is one common quality that all people with fulfilling relationships have; the ability to engage others in a comfortable and genuine matter, without making excuses for who they are. With authenticity, you can easily interact with others, express yourself and simply unveil the relationships that are meant to be..
• Authentic people are not afraid to be who they are and show who they are. There is no pretence. There is no building themselves up to look better and no tearing themselves down to look worse. They are secure with who they are. They know their strengths and are in touch with their weakness. Simply stated, authentic people are just real.
• Authentic people are approachable. It doesn’t matter what position they hold or what activity they are engaged in, if you are with them you will be treated with respect and attention.
• Authentic people are interested in others. They have learned that having an authentic relationship holds the key to joy and happiness. It is not work or effort for them, it’s natural. Whether it is a life-long relationship or a quick encounter, they know it holds within it the core truth of our being, namely that we are all relative and because of human nature we are uniquely connected to each other.
• Authentic people put others at ease. We know when we are in the presence of an authentic person because we feel relaxed, at home. We feel heard, respected, important, interesting. Authentic people make us feel that way because that is how they see us. We see the promise of our own lives and our own possibilities through their authenticity.
• Authentic people know their place in the world and fulfill it with joy and attention.Sometimes it will be a position of power and influence. Other times it will be the most humble of occupations. It is not the occupation or position that distinguishes them, but rather their ability to know and be themselves, and to have deep meaningful relationships with others.
• Authentic people live day-by-day, moment-by-moment. They know well that life must be lived and experienced one situation at a time, so that’s what they do. They know that nothing is more important than this very moment. When we are in their presence we know it too, for we vibrate with their frequency.
Authenticity does not happen overnight. People are too filled with their own arrogance and selfishness, too attached to their own agendas, too busy with their own lives and too fixated on their own goals. Our concern, as individuals, is primarily with ourselves, but this can change. If authentic relationships are important to us we can practice being authentic. Then, as we become more authentic ourselves, we will discover the joy of deeper relationships and will want to become authentic in every area of our lives.
© 2011 – 2013, Cherese L. Jackson. All rights reserved.
Wednesday, May 8, 2013
Video: TED Talks Education | Watch TED Talks Education Online | PBS Video
Every educator, parent and anyone that influences our children should take the time to view this powerful TED Talks!
Video: TED Talks Education | Watch TED Talks Education Online | PBS Video
Video: TED Talks Education | Watch TED Talks Education Online | PBS Video
Saturday, May 4, 2013
The Making of a Champion
If you're ready to start trading the treasures of today for the trophies of tomorrow, this Podcast (below) is for you! It's time to develop yourself with Coach Early Jackson's "Traits of Champions"
The Making of a Champion
The Making of a Champion
Friday, May 3, 2013
Get Out Of Your Own Way
Life can feel at times like an obstacle course. We are ducking and dodging issues surrounding our personal life, business relationships and even our families. If we are not careful, we can trip and sustain some serious injuries. But much like anything else, a few passes and some experiences make all the difference in the world.
As a coach I spend a lot of time connecting with people about the various challenges in their lives. I have adapted a line of questioning early on in our sessions that help us cut through the red tape and get to the matters at hand. For instance, instead of asking the question “What is wrong?” I prefer to ask, “What is in your way?” It always amazes me the amount of stuff we feel is really stopping our momentum. But the reality is, nothing can stop us, but ourselves. I would go as far as to say it boils down to the things we ‘perceive’ to be real, but aren’t.
The majority of most problems can be divided like this; 90% of what’s wrong is how we see it. So from the job that you hate so much to the family member you just can’t seem to reconcile with, it’s all about perception. To truly rise up and get out of our own way, we will need to adjust the way we see (3) major things:
- We have to change the way we see our fears: Think about the things you’re afraid of. Where did you get the information about them? I believe that fear is half misinformation and the other half no information at all. I used to be fearful of heights but had never been high enough to experience it myself? Instead I just psyched myself into it. It was a matter of no information. Once I got up there myself, I was able to form my own opinion.
- We have to change the way we see our faults: Fault finding is at an all time high! Everything is someone else’s fault so we are not held accountable. We have traditionally assessed fault from the outside in. Meaning we associate our fate to be directly connected to someone’s actions. A more healthy way to view faults is to remove them from people and see them as events. Events that happened to us but will not define us. Once we remove the emotionalism from the action, we can better understand it. Don’t spend time finding faults, use that energy to create solutions.
- We have to change the way we see our failures: Failure is the toll you pay on the bridge of greatness. I challenge you to find a story of incredible accomplishment that isn’t tied to a string of failures. Dr John Maxwell says, “People view failure as a final destination instead of a bump in the road to success.” The legendary household cleaner Formula 409 is said to have that name because its creators failed on the first 408 formulas. Imagine how hollow life would be if we only tried great acts once. There would be no innovations to speak of.
We’ve all been in the position of life where we felt it was another’s reason we weren’t further along. We have put the party hats on and hung streamers for our own personal pity party. What’s crazy is no matter how many of those parties you have, they never seem to satisfy. You know why? Because deep down inside we know it’s the ‘enemy in me’ that is to blame. The good news is we can now get up, dust off our clothes and proceed to victory. We are finally getting out of our own way!
© 2013, Cherese L. Jackson. All rights reserved.
Thursday, May 2, 2013
Allow Me To Reintroduce Myself
Great day empowered people!
As with life, brands evolve and go through transitions. New Direction Coaching Associates is excited to release our latest promotional video produced by Fresh Level Productions. We had a blast making the video and think it is just the fresh look our brand needs.
As we are in full Spring swing, I wanted to pose a question to you wherever you are. Whether in business, family or personal life, is it time to spruce up your 'brand'? Remember your brand is simply the expectations others have based on what you show them. Your family has a brand, you are a brand! And it matters how people see us.
Take a look at our promo video, we'd love your feedback.
See you at the TOP!
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